Wednesday, March 11, 2009

PPC Advertising

By pay-per-click advertising, PPC advertising in short, people usually refer to the marketing pattern used by most advertising networks and search engines. Advertisers pay the site that displays their ads only when one of these gets clicked on, hence the name of the model. All business owners promoting products or services online choose key phrases or keywords that they expect visitors to type in the search box. Another name for such forms of advertising is sponsored links or sponsored ads, and they are nearly everywhere on search engine result pages.

Google, Yahoo!Search Marketing and Microsoft AdCenter represent the largest networks working on the PPC advertising system. The prices practiced by these service providers are similar in terms of packages, but high variations appear within each pattern under the pressure of a higher or lower level of demand for a certain key phrase. The creation of PPC advertising campaigns can be conducted in several ways, and while some web developers work independently, others hire professionals. Thus, there are two kinds of campaigns with their specific categories: the sponsored match and the content match.

Thus PPC advertising focusing on content develops campaigns make profit by using the business website, other web pages as well as newletters and emails. The sponsored match model on the other hand shows the ad on the result pages in search engines. Thus, the advertiser earns money when there is a transaction resulting from the ad clicking, while the displayer, whether search engine or website makes profit with every click on the ads regardless of whether they are profitable for the advertiser or not.

The issue with PPC advertising is that it represents a model that has often been subject to click fraud. Dishonest people sometimes click on ads on purpose with the intention of making one lose money. Another illegal case is when the website advertising online orders the clicks on the ads to receive more money. Most search engines have taken all sorts of measures against such abuses, and now, the systems are capable to detect illegal clicking automatically. Yet, the system is not 100% safe and breaches do exist.

Check out this PPC Bully 2 Review and learn how to effectively use pay per click advertising to make money online.

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