As an internet marketer you should always be looking for ways to save time while still increasing your productivity. All internet marketers must do the small, boring, daily tasks required to make the engine run. There are lots of software programs out there that offer to take care of most of your SEO and link building efforts. SEOLinkVine is the latest offering on the market. But is it worth it? We wondered, too, so we took it out for a spin to see if it can live up to the claims.
The SEO Link Vine software is modeled after the other popular SEO products My Article Network and Article Marketing Automation: two programs put together by Brad Callen's brother, Mark. The idea is basically pretty simple. You create your content, and the program publishes it for you. That’s already been done, so then what’s the advantage this program has over others? The main reason is this program will send your content to bloggers who want to get it unlike other programs that simply submit to directories.
Sometimes you get a ’suspicious’ feeling when you’re using article submission programs. It can kinda suck when you submit your article to a site that’s crowded with articles waiting to be spun by a cheaply designed spin bot. Because the software's creator was so careful in creating his directory of site owners, and because he worked very hard on his spinning software, you can rest assured that every action this software does is completely "White Hat". You do not have to worry that you are being shady when you use this software. So you can go ahead and enjoy feeling happy about the time savings.
If you are looking for overnight link building and page rank jumping, SEO Link Vine is not for you. It will take time before you start seeing the fruits of your labor with regard to links and positioning.
This software will not do everything for you, it will not do ALL the work for you. It will make your daily life a bit easier. So, in essence, your success still depends on YOU. Too many people get ‘replaced’ by technology in the offline workplace, and Brad’s software doesn’t do that - it helps only, not replaces.
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Wow this is a great way to do business from home.Thanks for this useful information.